Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's About Time...

It has been quite some time since we updated the blog. Our apologies, we have been working very hard on getting the website up and running. You can check it out at

Our main focus at this time is our third annual "Christmas Present Project". This is the highlight of our year when we get to put a smile on the face of a hurting child who has to spend Christmas Day in the hospital. This year we anticipate providing gifts for 75 children (infants through teenagers),10 dialysis patients, and 48 babies in the NICU at Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. We will also provide gifts for 60 children in Shands Hospital in Gainesville, FL. This is the second year of providing gifts for the children in Shands. This came about as the result of partnering with 16 year old Riley Woods from Ocala, FL. Riley had spent 50 days in Shands as a child and wanted to give back to the institution that help him. The hospitals provide us with lists broken down by age group and suggested gift ideas for each group. The dialysis patients provide us with their own wish list from which to shop. If you would be interested in partnering with us for this project you can call (904)612-8522 or email us at

Our "Dimes for a Difference" project is also going on at this time. This is one of the ways we raise funds to be able to do what we do. Pepsi has partnered with us to provide drink bottles which we have turned into banks. This is a relatively easy way for the community to be a part of the work that we do. Not everyone feels that they can give a lump sum donation to the foundation (especially in the current economic times),however, almost everyone accumulates spare change that can be dropped into one of our banks. It adds up over time. These funds are used to support the children and families of non-cancer patients at three area hospitals, Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, Shands Hospital in Gainesville, and Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. To date,this year, we have helped 20 families with support totaling $20,000. If this is something you would like to help us with give us a call at (904)612-8522

Our Radio Show "Journey's With Christ" airs each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. on 550AM, Way Radio. This week our show featured the Harrington Family. Having recently lost their two year old son and brother, Mack Michael, theirs was a story of hope, faith, dependence, and love. It was our Thanksgiving show and the Harrington's shared how valuable and special the "little" things of life really are. If you would like a copy of their show just call us at (904)612-8522. If you can't get the station in your area, you can listen online by going to click on 550AM and then click on listen online. Upcoming shows include the follow:

Nov. 28 - Mike McCoy - Business owner
Dec. 05 - Brian Butler - Dinsmore Baptist Youth Director
Dec. 12 - Ken Neikirk and family
Dec. 19 - Christmas Show
Dec. 26 - Randy Wilson, Pastor

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